letter E in English alphabet
It is 5th letter and second vowel in English alphabet. It has three different articulatory sounds.
>>E as alphabet sound in words Me, He, We, Re, She etc
>>E as in words like Met, Led, Pet, Net, Set etc. In such words E takes sound of eh(ए).
>>E as (ə/ अ) in words like in words like Character, Cinder, Computer, , Hinder etc
NOTE: words ending with -er do not carry r sound but in a sentence if words ending with -er is followed by another word starting with vowel, r sound is articulated
Father in this words we will not articulate the sound of r but in the sentence "My father is arriving today." In Father, the sound of r will be articulated.
>> Words which end with the suffix - ment, in such words E takes sound of A(अ)
Appointment, Entertainment, Establishment etc.
>> E is silent when the suffix beginning with vowel and E is the last letter.
Words are debate, debatable, desire, dine, excite, make, subdue etc
>> E is silent in suffixes -able, ible too. debatable, desirable, likeable etc. In such words last consonant sound is articulated.
Long E and Short E
Long E is the sound of E in alphabet as see, sea, she, scene etc
Short E is the sound of eh(ए) in words like bet, led, pet, let etc
The letter E is not enunciated when it is in the end of the word like bike, due, like, taste etc. It is also silent in the middle of compound words like safeguard, Safely, etc.
Some common words
Some common words which practice the pronunciation of /e/ include the following:
With/ɪə/ए/ sound
accept, bell, bend, best, bet, correct, desk, egg, end, expect, forget, get, hell, help, hotel, jet, leg, lend, let, met, neck, next, pen, protect, rent, request, sell, send, set, spend, suggest, tell, theft, well, went, wet, when, yell, yes
With sound of Diphthong ea /ɪə/ए
ahead - already - bread - breakfast - breast - breath - cleanse - dead - deaf - dealt - death - dread - dreadful - feather - head - header - health - heather - heavy - instead - jealous - lead (metal) - leapt - leather - meadow - meant - measure - pheasant - pleasant - pleasure - read (past tense and past participle) - ready - spread - steady - sweat - thread - threat - threaten - treachery - tread - treadmill - treasure - wealth - weapon - weather.
Pronunciation error: The following words are spoken with sound of Diphthong ea /ɪə/ए
with "a": any - ate BrE - marshmallow AmE - many, again - friend - leisure BrE - leopard - said - says
Common words with silent E. When E is in the last of the word it is not spoken.
Age, Above, Abode, Bake, Brave, Bite, Blame, Blare, Blaze, Cage, Cake, Cave, Code, Come, Courage, Cove, Crane, Crime, Cube, Cute, Dame, Date, Die, Dime, Dine, Dove ,Drive, Dude, Fate, Fame, Frame, Gape, Gate, Give, Grace, Grate, Handle, Hate, Hide, Hope, Hype, Jove, Knave, Lace, Lake, Late, Lime, Love, Lose, loose, Mace, Make, Maze, Mate, Mauve, Mime, Mute, Name, Note, Pace, Page, Pie, Pine, Pipe, Plane, Ripe, Rose, Skate, Same, Scene, Shoe, Stare, Stove, Strife, Strike, Stripe, Take, Tame, Tape, Time, Toe, Type, Wine, Wise, zygote,
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