pollution and its impact by Manish

In simple term pollution is a kind of contamination. When harmful substances produced by human activities get mixed with air, water and soil and pollute their natural compostion desirable for the existence of living organisms, this is called pollution of air, water and soil. In further paragraphs down we will understand different kinds of pollutions in short
First air pollution, when harmful gasses, smoke from chimneys of factories, solid  or liquid droplets disturb composition of air, it is called air pollution. Air pollution affects us in many ways. It causes different types of diseases related to lungs and respiratory systems. It leads to increasing global temperature and damaging ozone layer, melting of glaciers and Antarctica's ice sheets etc.
Next comes water pollution, when pollutants from factories and houses are released in water bodies, they pollute water which becomes harmful not only for aquatic animals but land animals too. Since water is the main reason of the existence of life on this planet, pollution of water will bring catastrophe on the life of earth.
When toxicity of soil is increased and threatens its productivty, soil becomes polluted. Man-made contaminants are the main causes of soil pollution and consist of a large variety of contaminants both organic and inorganic. They pollute the soil either alone or combined with several natural soil contaminants. Man-made soil pollution is usually caused by the improper disposal of waste coming from industrial or urban sources, industrial activities, and agricultural pesticides.
There is another pollution which we call noise pollution. This is caused due to horn of vehicle, blast, loud musical shows, public shoutings, bursting of crackers etc. This is the only pollution which can be completely controlled by Human. 
we all come across those pollutions. One thing is sure that pollution does not have any positive impacts on the existence of life on this planet. So we all should try to minimise it as much as possible


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